Piste Gamez

Piste Gamez is a small and dedicated group of people, who create computer games as their free time hobby. So far we have realeased 5 games: Pekka Kana 1 and 2, Q-Lat 1 and 2, and Beez. Pekka Kana 3 is currently under works.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Q-Lat in a Browser!

According to our server statistics 44% of you visiting Piste Gamez site use Firefox as a browser of choice. 7% of you use Opera, and 4.7% use Google Chrome. Safari users make up 1.6% of all visitors.

And that makes me happy, since it means that 57% of you will be able to enjoy our slightly delayed X-mas present: A small browser version of Q-Lat! You can claim your gift from here. Official link will follow later. Even though the game works with all the browsers mentioned above, Firefox users will have the extra advantage of not having to use paper and pencil to save their hiscores.

Q-Lat's browser version was build using new features of HTML 5 specification (canvas and localStorage). The specification is still a work in process, however many browsers already support some of these features. Sadly Internet Explorer is lacking behind with no support for canvas in sight, meaning that the 39,5% of you using IE will not be able to play the game with your browser. So if you don't want to miss out this addictive little game (methinks it's actually more addictive than Q-Lat3) do yourself a favor and grab the latest version of Firefox browser from www.getfirefox.net. You'll notice the installation is pretty straight forward, quick, and even all of your IE bookmarks will be copied to Firefox. Or ask your kids to install it. Or if you are at work (where you of course never play games online), ask your tech support to install it. Because of... emm... it's more safe... and faster. And every one else already has it. ;)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Back to School

We'll, it looks like 2010 is going to be a pretty busy year for me. Actually the next 3 years or so are going to be very busy, since I'm returning to my old school to study, with the purpose to graduate as a Master of Business Administration. As I'm looking forward to studying again, it also means that most of the little spare time I now have after work, will go to studying :( So basically that means that don't expect anything big to happen for the next 3 years. Jerome will continue working with the editor, and perhaps we will get a small game out at some point, but nothing in the scale of PK3.

Luckily the world is full of great games and many of the are free. If you don't know where to start, I can recommend you this site which features all sorts of interesting games in development.

Another interesting site related to indie games is IGF (Independent Games Festival). Of course I'm only mentioning this because we submitted Q-Lat3 this year ;)